
On July 28, «НЕБОФЕСТ» ("SKYFEST") will take place on Tatyshev Island in Krasnoyarsk. The city is hosting such a multi-format festival for the first time ever, as SKYFEST is not only a celebration of aeronautical activities, but also a multi-sports event, too. More than 35 sports federations and clubs will participate in the SKYFEST.

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On the day of the Festival, the finals of the Russian Cup stage in landing accuracy will take place. This is one of the most spectacular disciplines of parachuting. The parachutist's task is to separate from the plane at an altitude of about 1000-1200 meters, and hit a target with the diameter of a two-ruble coin with their heel as they land on a special mat. The winners and runners-up of the Cup will be awarded. The awarding ceremony will be hosted by the famous sports commentator and TV presenter Viktor Gusev.

At SKYFEST, the guests can not only watch skydivers, but also participate themselves. Everyone is welcome to attempt a tandem jump, flying parachute directly over the center of Krasnoyarsk. As for the less risk-oriented participants, they will be able to enjoy "jumping" using virtual reality sets, parcking a sports parachute, as well as some activities at the SkyFly Indoor Skydiving location.

In addition to parachuting, the event will feature many other sports: lapta, kyokushin karate, arm wrestling, fencing, jiu-jitsu, boxing, kickboxing, jumping fitness, chess, table tennis, curling, football, checkers, weightlifting, aerial gymnastics, basketball, wushu, scooter sports, etc. Everyone will be able to take part in master classes, open training sessions, games and lectures and actively spend time at the festival, as well as learn more about the sports.