Krasnoyarsk offers various opportunities for international students. Many Krasnoyarsk higher education institutions have long standing cooperation links with foreign universities. Students coming from abroad always praise Krasnoyarsk universities for the high level of education provided, state of the art technical equipment for science research, great campus atmosphere, various cultural and outdoor entertainment programs, access to sports facilities and Krasnoyarsk in general for its vibrant cultural life and availability of different nature recreation zones, such as Nature Park "Stolby".
This page is intented as a small introduction to Krasnoyarsk higher education world, while further detaled information is provided at the official web pages of Krasnoyarsk universities.
Siberian Federal University

The mission of the University is to create an advanced education, research and innovation infrastructure and to promote new knowledge and technologies to meet the challenges of social and economic development of the Siberian Federal District, as well as to form the human resources potential — competitive experts in the priority areas of the Siberian and Russian Federation development, corresponding to the modern intellectual requirements and meeting international standards.
Official site of the university, "Mission Statement"
Reshetnev Siberian State University

Reshetnev Siberian State University of Science and Technology (Reshetnev University), founded in 1960 as a unique higher educational institution where theoretical training is combined with practice in hi-tech enterprises, currently is a contemporary multi-disciplinary higher school where specialists in such high-technology and innovative spheres as rocket and space production as well as computer sciences, international business, finance, management and humanities are trained.
Official site of the university, "About the University"

The Krasnoyarsk agricultural institute was founded on April 29, 1952 and had three faculties: agronomical, mechanization and zoo-technical. The candidate of agricultural sciences Georgy Andrianovich Cheremisinov, the doctor of agricultural sciences, professor was the first director of the institute.
In 1991 the Krasnoyarsk agricultural institute received the status of the state agricultural university, then land management and faculty of law was created. In 1992 four faculties were added to them: law, ecological-biotechnological, management and business, processing industry.
Nowadays university represents innovative, training, scientific, methodical and advice center of a system of agrarian formation of the East Siberian region of Russia.
Official site of the university, "University today"

Professionalism, talent, spiritual dignity - these are three pillars that have always characterized the teachers, students and graduates of the Krasnoyarsk State Medical University. That’s what has brought the University its high rating, world fame and made many school graduates dream of becoming the students of the Krasnoyarsk State Medical University named after Professor V.F. Voino-Yasenetsky to plunge into the atmosphere of bringing up high meaning, great ideas and professional skills persistent through all the years of the University’s history.
Krasnoyarsk State Medical University, "History"