
​Applications for the creation of a design-soon-to-become-a sculptural composition for the heroes of the Alaska-Siberia air route are accepted July 1 to October 19, 2021.

In prospect is the creation of the monument, which will be installed in one of the local parks in the Soviet district.


The monument to the ALSIB heroes in Krasnoyarsk is a project of social unity that will preserve the memory of the pilots, the victorious heroes during the War. The founder of the competition is the Ministry of Culture of the Krasnoyarsk Region. The organiser of the competition is the local Dom Iskusstv (House of Arts).

Design contractors, architects, designers, artists, sculptors from all over the globe are welcome to take part in the competition. The projects will be evaluated by a special jury, which includes representatives of professional creative unions, other creative and public organisations, government and local authorities, specialists in the field of fine arts, architecture and history. The results of the competition will be announced by December 10, 2021.


The creators with the winning  projects will be awarded cash prizes:

  • Ist prize — 100 000 rubles

  • IInd prize — 70 000 rubles

  • IIIrd prize — 50 000 rubles

Detailed information about the competition including ​terms and regulations​ can be found on the website of the Dom Iskusstv organiser team.​