
From May 15 to 21, the Krasnoyarsk Cinema House is hosting the All-Russian event "Polar Cinema Days with the support of the Krasnoyarsk City Administration and the Krasnoyarsk regional branch of the Russian Geographical Society.


In the foyer of the Cinema found an exhibition of the Russian Geographical Society dedicated to the unique ethnographic expedition of the Krasnoyarsk regional branch of the Russian Geographical Society, the first stage of which took place in the summer of 2023 in Taimyr. The key task of the expedition was to study the state of cultural heritage sites related to the history of the discovery and development of the Arctic territory in the north of the Krasnoyarsk Region.


As part of the event on the eve of Polar Explorer Day, which is celebrated in Russia on May 21, documentaries about life in the Arctic are shown to the viewers. The documentaries talk about the difficult life in a small village on the White Sea, the heroism of polar pilots and reveal the secrets of the history of survival at the drifting research station "North Pole-2".