
The concert under the direction of Honored Artist of Russia Mikhail Benyumov took place on June 19 at the Mogilev Regional Centre for Creativity.

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The Belarusian tour of the Siberia-based orchestra is a continuation of the successful cooperation of Russian and Belarusian musicians which started back during the XXI International Festival of Chamber and Orchestral Music "Asia-Siberia-Europe" in Krasnoyarsk. The Festival took place in September 2023 and united the Krasnoyarsk Chamber Orchestra and two virtuosos from the Republic of Belarus: the Honored Artist of the Republic of Belarus, soloist of the St. Sophia Cathedral in Polotsk Ksenia Pogorelaya (organ) and a laureate of many international competitions, soloist of the Belarusian State Philharmonic Veronica Praded (dulcimer) performed on one stage with the Krasnoyarsk collective.

In Mogilev, the Krasnoyarsk orchestra performed with the Chamber Choir of the Mogilev City Chapel under the direction of Sergei Lishchenko. This is the first joint concert of the two musical groups.

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An important addition to the musical programme was a photo exhibition that depicted some iconic places and attractions of Krasnoyarsk and introduced local concert goers to Siberia.

During the Krasnoyarsk delegation's stay in Mogilev, a meeting was held with the city leadership and negotiations were held on the implementation of the Cooperation Agreement between our cities. During the negotiations, Vice-Mayor for Sociopolitical Affairs, Head of Social Development Department of the Krasnoyarsk City Administration Yevgenia Yuryeva brought up issues of expanding interaction in the fields of culture, education and tourism. An agreement was reached on the participation of the Mogilev City Chapel in the Festival "Asia – Siberia – Europe" . The parties decided to work on other formats for participation in the event as well.

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Additional info
For many years, Krasnoyarsk has maintained friendships with the cities of the Republic of Belarus. Mogilev became our first Belarusian sister city in 2001, whereas in 2019 Krasnoyarsk and the capital of Belarus Minsk signed an Agreement on cooperation in various fields.