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Heihe is a prefecture-level city of northern Heilongjiang province, People's Republic of China, located on the Russian border. The total population of the prefecture-level city is 1,7 million people.
Heihe marks the northeast terminus of the Heihe–Tengchong Line, which is sometimes used to divide China into east and west.
Heihe is located at the right bank of the Amur, opposite to the city of Blagoveshchensk in Russia's Amur Oblast. Its jurisdictional area stretches for 54,390 km2
A Zone of frontier trade was opened on Big Heihe island in 2001. This place provides a preferential treatment for Russian citizens on Chinese territory.
The main industrial spheres in Heihe are: wood manufacture, coal mining, mineral water and building materials manufacture.
Heihe has plenty of natural tourism resources, including the Amur River and Wudalianchi Lake and Wudalianchi Volcanic Range, where people can take a trip to local volcanoes. The Old City of Aigun is a famous historical scenic spot, in which the Treaty of Aigun between China and Russia was signed in the 19th century.
Krasnoyarsk and Heihe set brotherhood relations in 1999.
Heihe city Public Government web-site: