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 The Society of the Japanese prisoners of war families members, perished at the territory of Krasnoyarsk in 1945-1950 (Japan)

The head: Mrs. MURATA Mitsu, born 19.03.1931

The history of founding.
The head of the society Mrs. Murata Mitsu had her own interest in founding of society.
Brother of Murata, Morikawa Nobuichi died in Krasnoyarsk two years later after II World War end. She clarified in the archives of the Ministry of Prosperity of Japan that quit a lot Japanese war prisoners were kept in Krasnoyarsk prisoner camps, many of them have never returned home. Then she had an idea to bring the remains of buried in Siberia Japanese to the homeland and contacted to their relatives. Thank to the tights of one of the journalist of Yomiuri Shinbun newspaper with the correspondent of “Pravda” newspaper in Krasnoyarsk, she knew that there are quite a lot of burial places of Japanese in Siberia.

The first visit of families’ members of war prisoners in Krasnoyarsk took place on the 8th of August 1991. The delegation from 7 persons, accompanied by the correspondent of “Pravda” newspaper has visited Nikolaevskoe cemetery. 

The next visit was in 1994, by the Ministry of Prosperity. The group of 20 people has visited Torgashino and Nikolaevskoe cemetery.

Watching the relatives of perished Japanese, who didn’t know exactly the burial places, Mrs. Murata had a strong desire to help them finding the remains. So, she decided to found out a free-will organization “The Society of the Japanese prisoners of war families members, perished at the territory of Krasnoyarsk in 1945-1950”

About 30 people affiliated in the Society.

The society had several visits to Krasnoyarsk during last years. Some excavations were made and some remains of Japanese were transported to the homeland. Memorable name boards were placed on three city cemeteries of Krasnoyarsk. 110 samplings of Sakura were given to Krasnoyarsk from the Society in 2002; it was planted in seven places of Krasnoyarsk in 2003. The next visit of the Society will take place in 2013, during which a memorable marble gravestone will be placed on Torgashino cemetery.

There are 15 people in the Society nowadays. The Society’s activity is made at the expanse of membership fees.